Video Marketing: Smart Tips to Use Videos to Improve Conversion Rates

Scrolling through dozens of potential service providers, a customer visits your site and views a refreshing video that introduces exactly what your company offers.  After reading countless paragraphs of sales copy, white papers and testimonials, customers are particularly receptive to multi-media messages that provide a succinct, user-friendly presentation that helps to separate your brand from your competition.

Strategic placement of well designed videos is an effective way of improving the conversion funnel on your site, as well as providing an outlet for syndicating your message to popular sites such as You Tube which frequently appear prominently in the natural search results.

Virtually Meet Your Customers

A major study from Sell Point ( revealed that product tours can improve conversion rates by up to 35% relative to static web sites, even for major, well-known brands. (If you are having trouble with the link above, you can also view the attached PDF.) 

As a business professional, you understand the importance of personal contact and video provides an element of direct communication with your site visitors that images and text cannot offer. Proper visual demonstrations of your company create an immediate connection with the customer, establishing an element of trust that can improve conversion rates and encourage brand loyalty.

When designing videos for your site, it's best to bring your brand to life: showcase the people involved in your business and speak directly to the visitor by welcoming them to your site. Providing the right combination of information, friendly presentation and enthusiasm can encourage customers to do business with your company from the very first click.

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