Generating targeted online leads is an effective way to build up a list of prospective customers, and integrating an auto-responder can provide a virtual sales agent that sends automatic e-mail follow ups based upon opt-ins to your mailing list. Consumers today spend a lot of time searching for high quality vendors, and immediately reaching out with an effective email response 24/7 begins to establish trust with your potential customers to improve conversion rates.
Automating Your Sales Force 24/7
Imagine that a customer comes to your site and learns about your company for the first time. With a web presence, you're able to connect with a wide variety of potential clients looking for products and services in your market. When consumers are faced with a choice between multiple vendors, studies have shown they are most likely to work with companies that provide follow-up after the initial inquiry. By sending out a clean, professional automatic e-mail to prospective customers, you'll be able to begin cultivating relationships that turn into loyal, profitable client relationships.
When crafting an auto response message, keep in mind that you'll want to reinforce the positive aspects of your brand while allowing the consumer to make an informed decision. You can personalize the e-mail by addressing the message to the name provided in the lead form, as well as customizing the message based upon the information provided on the lead form. Auto-responders are an effective way to begin establishing a positive image for your company in the eyes of the prospective customers, and can help shifts your website from a lead generation engine into a fully-powered revenue growth generator.